Huffington Post – Something to Talk About
This article appears in the April 17, 2015 edition of the Huffington Post – and speaks volumes about the effect the It Gets Better tour is having in communities across the country and particularly for this Mother and Son.
My teenage son came to me and said, “Mom, can we go out to dinner, just the two of us? I have something I need to talk to you about.” I agreed, and didn’t think much of it. With four kids, when one asks for my undivided attention, I hear it, and really try to honor it.
The conversation that transpired at dinner was one of the most beautiful and courageous moments I have ever witnessed as a parent. He proceeded to explain to me, in his most logical and articulate fashion, that he is bisexual. When he said it, I smiled, and said, in my calmest parenting voice, “OK, Cool. Please continue…” While I finished my chicken salad and he noshed on his gigantic plate of meat and potatoes, I soaked in this moment and thought to myself how incredibly lucky I am….
…My friend is participating in an incredible production of the “It Gets Better Tour.” I committed to attending the show, and brought my son with me. I wasn’t sure how he would feel about it. Neither one of us were sure what we were in for, and once in our seats, we were taken away. We were entranced by listening to the stories of other gay, bisexual and transgender people who were horribly mistreated when they came out to their parents….